Dementia Carer Voices is a Scottish Government Project funded project to 2016 to engage with Health and Social Care professionals and students to promote a fuller understanding of the carer journey, provide a platform where carers can express their views and experiences of caring for a loved one with dementia and to harness the awareness raising activity undertaken by Tommy Whitelaw.
Find out more about the project
Have a look at the project's most recent resources
Meet the team
Browse upcoming events
Browse all of our videos and resources (links to the project's resources page)
The Project:
- Captures the experiences of carers across Scotland with a view to informing future policy ans service provision
- Raises awareness of the issues around caring for someone with dementia including among health and social care professionals, students and the wider public
- Highlights the role of carers as natural resources; carers as people with needs; carers as people with independent lives
- Empowers carers by providing information based on the Charter of Rights and Carers Strategy about caring for someone with dementia
Most recent project resources:
Read Dementia Carer Voices e-News Issue 6, the latest issue of the team's newsletter. You can sign up to recieve future updates by clicking here.
The project team have put together a short survey to enable them to capture key messages from carers which will be used to influence future policy.
If you have experience of caring for someone with dementia you can contribute and have your say on your hopes and concerns for the future by visitingDementia Carer voices welcomes the launch of Scotland's National Action Plan on Human Rights and fundamentally supports the objectives of the Charter of Rights for People with Dementia and their Carers, which adheres to the PANEL approach to carers rights - that is that carers have the right to
- Participate in decisions which affect their human rights;
- Accountability of those responsible for the respect, protection and fulfilment of human rights;
- Non Discrimination and equality
- Empowerment to know their rights and how to claim them;
- Legality in all decisions through an explicit link with human rights, legal standards in all processes and outcome measurements.
Meet the team:
From left to right: Christopher Doyle, Laura McCulloch, Irene Oldfather, Tommy Whitelaw
Programme Director
Project Engagement Lead
Policy & Information Assistant
Telephone – 0141 404 0233
Upcoming events:
20th – Celebration of Caring in Scotland Concert
21st - speaking Watford starlight center
22nd - Speaking at London 6Cs Live Conference
27th - Speaking at Carers Event in Birmingham
3rd - Speaking to Edinburgh University Nursing Students
5th - Speaking at St Andrews Hospice in Airdrie
6th – Presentation to NHS Education Promoting Excellence Board (Morning)
6th - Speaking at University of Abertay Dundee (Afternoon)
17th – Speaking at Royal Edinburgh Hospital
19th - Speaking at Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy
24th - Speaking at Palliative Care Conference in NHS Highlands
25th, 26th and 27th – Speaking at NHS Grampian - 3 day tour
5th – Speaking at conference in Argyll
19th - speaking Caledonian university
28th - Speaking at conference in Middlesbrough
Dementia Carer Voices engages with Health and Social Care professionals to highlight the importance of a person-centred approach to dementia care, with carers as equal partners. If you would like to organise an event for your staff or colleagues, please contact
Follow Dementia Carer Voices on Twitter
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