Friday, 25 October 2013

Scotland's National Dementia Strategy 2013-2016

Dementia is a national priority for the Scottish Government and the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Cities Strategy made dementia and older people’s services her pers/Topics/Health/Services/Mental-Health/Dementia/CostingToolonal policy priorities.

Scotland's National Dementia Strategy 2013-2016

Post Diagnostic Support

Everyone diagnosed with dementia from April 1, 2013 is entitled to a minimum of one year's worth of post-diagnostic support, coordinated by a Link Worker. The following documents are designed to support delivery of the relevant HEAT target:
The Informaiton Services Division (ISD) of NHS National Services Scotland also offers information:

Dementia Strategy

Scotland's first Dementia Strategy was published in June 2010. It sets out the work that the Scottish Government and its partners in NHS Scotland, local government and the voluntary and private sectors are doing to improve support, care and treatment for people with dementia, their families and carers.

Dementia Demonstrators Interim Report

Emerging messages from the Dementia Demonstration Sites, have been published in a report by Professor Bob Hudson from Durham University.

Dementia Strategy 2013-2016: Proposition Paper

The Dementia Strategy 2013-2016: Proposition Paper sets out our proposals for the key themes and priorities that should underpin Scotland’s second National Dementia Strategy.

Progress on Implementing the Dementia Strategy

Work to deliver the Dementia Strategy is overseen by the Dementia Strategy Implementation and Monitoring Group, who produced:
The Scottish Government will be starting a period of engagement later in 2012 to inform development of a new dementia strategy, building on the existing Dementia Strategy which focus runs until June 2013. 

Standards of Care for Dementia in Scotland

People with dementia retain the same rights as anyone else in society but the nature of their illness means that they often have great difficulty in protecting their own rights.
There is still stigma and discrimination against people with dementia and they and their carers often feel, with some justification, that they are treated with less respect, dignity and understanding than other members of society.
Standards of Care for Dementia in Scotland were developed which relate to everyone with a diagnosis of dementia in Scotland regardless of where they live, their age, the supports they receive or the severity of their illness.
This includes younger people, people with a learning disability and people with rare types of dementia. They apply to people living in their own homes, care homes or hospitals, especially general hospitals.

Promoting Excellence

Promoting Excellence, a skills and knowledge framework for dementia, details the knowledge and skills all health and social services staff should aspire to achieve in relation to the role they play in supporting people with a diagnosis of dementia, and their families, and carers.
NHS Education for Scotland and The Scottish Social Services Council are delivering the Promoting Excellence implementation plan, which includes training 300 Dementia Champions by 2013:

Improving Diagnosis of Dementia

Diagnosis of dementia is important as the diagnosis is the gateway to information, support, care and treatment for the person with dementia, their family and carers. A target to increase the number of people with a diagnosis of dementia was delivered across Scotland.
It was replaced by a new standard to maintain the proportion of people with a diagnosis of dementia on the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) dementia register and other equivalent sources.

Improving Support for People with Dementia and their Carers

The Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Cities Strategy has indicated that she intends to introduce a national commitment from 2013 of a guaranteed minimum of a year's post-diagnostic support, coordinated by an appropriately skilled link worker.
This commitment will also help drive improvements across the whole system of care.

Improving dementia care in general hospitals

The Chief Nursing Officer for Scotland is leading a programme of improvement activity with NHS Boards and others, into the care of older people, including those with dementia at any age, in general hospital care settings. To complement this, Healthcare Improvement Scotland are undertaking a programme of inspections into these areas of care.
The Scottish Government is supporting Alzheimer Scotland in appointing a dementia specialist nurse in every NHS Board in Scotland, to advise on change and improvement across their Board area.

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