Thursday, 5 September 2013

The Thoughts of Adsthepoet- What Does Good Care Look Like?


I was sent this link via twitter  @Adsthepoet  - highly recommended. By Shaun Mayer 

Though I would share on my blog you can view more at

The Thoughts of Adsthepoet

I am 13 years old and I have spent more than half my life in hospital.
I've seen the best and the worst of the NHS and stayed in five regional Children's Hospitals; Southampton General; Edinburgh Children's; Yorkhill (Glasgow); GOSH and Leeds General. The care I have received in all these hospitals but one has been outstanding.  In that one, some of the care has been wonderful but some has sadly been awful. The bad care has made me ill, sad and very very scared.  I've told mum I never want to go back to that hospital again.  Last time I was there they discharged me saying I was well, but I was so poorly that I been in the great hospital where I am now for almost a month and doctors thought I was so ill I may not survive. Thankfully, I am now getting better.

I think everybody should have good care, so to help, I thought I would let you know what, from my experience I think makes good care.

In the good hospitals:-
1) Staff talk to me and involve me in decisions about my care. They ask me about what I want and don't want;
2) Staff talk to mum and dad and ask them about me;
3) Staff talk to each other and pass on important information about me;
4) If staff don't know something they are not afraid to say and ask someone who does know, sometimes that might even be me or mum and dad;
5) Staff treat me as an individual and recognise the things I can do, they don't jump to negative stereotypes and prejudices about me, because I am physically impaired; 
6) Staff have time for me, they are friendly and chatty and make me feel as if I matter;
7) Staff are friendly and chatty to mum and dad, they work with them, they treat us all as if we matter;
8)I'm never left alone when I'm seriously ill and never in a room with the door closed so staff can't see me;
9) When I'm really ill doctors come quick and do everything necessary to make me better, I'm not left critically ill for hours without care;
10)  I always feel that I am getting the best care possible, I'm never made to feel like a second class citizen for whom it doesn't matter if I live or die.

In the bad hospital they do the opposite and worse, that is why I never want to go there again, but want to send a big THANK YOU to all the staff at that hospital who have given me good care and to all the staff at the other hospitals- You are the best!

Adam Bojelian
26th April, 2013

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