Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Highland Tour Day 1 - A great start to the mini tour



Well I arrived safe and well in Inverness earlier today for the start of a mini tour of NHS Highlands, with great thanks to Ruth Mantle, Mamie Thompson and NHS Highland for this opportunity. 

It was great to have a good chat with Ruth today and meet with Maimie who I have been following on twitter for a while now - thank you. Lovely also to meet and chat with Michael Perera - thank you Michael for taking time to meet today. 

We also popped over to Raigmore Hospital and met with Gladys and Louise (pictured above with some of the team) and I have to say I left inspired by the conversation, team sprit and togetherness. 
Was so lovely to hear Gladys speak with passion and such care and enthusiasm about PEOLPE and initiatives such as "Getting to know me" along with all they are doing including, around person centred care - some great personal touches - loved the toilet bags. 

A lovely day with kind and caring people, looking forward to 2 talks tomorrow a couple of meetings and learning more about the work being done here. 


My mums name was Joan Whitelaw -my 4 short films 
http://tommy-on-tour-2011.blogspot.com/2013/10/my-mums-name-was-joan-whitelaw-my-3.html?spref=twCarer experiences-caring for mum - it's ok to ask  and care inspectorate talk #Dementia

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My mums name was Joan ,my Mum Had Dementia - our Story 9 Short Films

Tommy’s speech, providing a carer’s perspective,  on the theme of “ No – one ever asked   ” highlighted the transformational impact that ...