Its Ok
to ask starting A new carer engagement film with NHSGG&C –CHP
I will very shortly (beginning March) starting
working on a new carer engagement film with NHSGG&C – CHP ,the ALLIANCE AND
Enterprise Screen .This film I hope will try and help with a struggle I personally
faced whilst caring for my mum .Asking
for help and who to ask for help .My dad was a hard working welder and asking
for help along did not come easy we are a proud private people at heart .this
led to us nearing a crisis point from not wanting to ask to being to lost and
in desperate need of help. I personally
wish I had asked for help. sooner .As a campaigner I campaign for better understanding
,and respect and dignity to all, but alongside that I feel it’s a tragedy to
not know how to ask or about help that is available I hope in some small way this film followed by
some road shows will reach out to families and avert them reaching a crisis. We
should at all-times have the best of help and guidance at our fingertips. I am
grateful to all the partners involved in this project and it also forms part of
the message in this campaign being able listened to and part of ,and I thank
NHSGG*C for taking the time to meet with listen to and involve a son and carer
Thank you
Dementia Carers Voices
Tommy - just listened to your interview on Radio Scotland. I only cared for my dad for a few weeks whilst working full time before I had to ask for help. I was lucky. A doctor and social worker listened and I got the help my dad badly needed. But I had an idea of how and where to ask and wasn't afraid to do it. Many can't so well done to you and your campaign.